Mirio BOT is a Discord bot created in 2022. The principal idea for this Discord bot is mainly focused in the music functionality.

This bot was created using Python and the Wavelink library with the help of the Spotify API.

The project still in a beta phase, so it's probable that you find a bug or something that could be improved.

If that's the case please let me know and I'll do my best to fix it.


  • a!play Play music in the channel. We support YouTube and Spotify. You can also play entire playlists from both platforms!
  • a!skip Skip the current song.
  • a!pause Pauses the current song.
  • a!resume Resumes the current song.
  • a!leave Leaves the voice channel and clears the queue.
  • a!queue Displays the current queue of music.
  • a!shuffle Shuffle the entire list of songs in the queue.
  • a!clear Clears the queue.

...use a! as the prefix!

Misc commands...

  • a!random Shows a random image. (This is from the alpha phase, pls understand)
  • a!cebar [user] Le ceba a un pibe un buen matecito.

Try using "/"...

...works as well!

¡Que listo que sos Goku!