- a!play Play music in the channel. We support YouTube and Spotify. You can also play entire playlists from both platforms!
- a!skip Skip the current song.
- a!pause Pauses the current song.
- a!resume Resumes the current song.
- a!leave Leaves the voice channel and clears the queue.
- a!queue Displays the current queue of music.
- a!shuffle Shuffle the entire list of songs in the queue.
- a!clear Clears the queue.
...use a! as the prefix!
Misc commands...
- a!random Shows a random image. (This is from the alpha phase, pls understand)
- a!cebar [user] Le ceba a un pibe un buen matecito.
Try using "/"... as well!
¡Que listo que sos Goku!